Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Matt Kenseth suspended 2 races for Martinsville actions

Matt Kenseth has been suspended from the upcoming Sprint Cup Series races at Texas and Phoenix following an incident Sunday during the Cup race at Martinsville in which Kenseth wrecked the #22 Ford of Joey Logano, who was leading at the time, most likely in retaliation for the Kansas incident in which Kenseth spun as Logano for for the lead with him, as well as further run-ins at Talladega and earlier during the Martinsville race. Kenseth was eliminated from the Chase for the Sprint Cup after Talladega; Logano is still in and can win at Texas or Phoenix to make the championship round at Homestead with Jeff Gordon. It is unknown who will drive Kenseth's #20 Toyota, pending NASCAR's appeal process, in these two races.

Logano's teammate Brad Keselowski (#2) also got into the mix with Kenseth, who was ten laps down by the time of the Logano altercation. Keselowski reportedly also got in the way with the #41 Chevrolet of Kurt Busch, which also happened in last year's spring race. When all was said and done, Busch, Kenseth, Keselowski and Logano all finished outside the lead lap; Kenseth was parked for the remainder of the race, which as it turned out was a precursor to his suspension.

Another much less-discussed incident that took place Sunday was a pair of run-ins that Danica Patrick had with the #38 Ford of David Gilliland, similar to the Landon Cassill incident at Kansas in 2012. Patrick tried to spin Gilliland but instead drove her own #10 Chevrolet into the wall. She is expected to be handed a more customary fine and points deduction due to her situation not having Chase implications.

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